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Five Year Plan
No. 2 Noagaon Union Parishad,

Ramganj, Laxmipur.

List of priority-based implementable schemes by ward in formulation of 3-year term plan:

Sr. No.

Name of priority selected scheme according to 1-9 wards:




Reconstruction of Tittal Bridge Paramatma Road from Mollah Bari in East Noagaon

 From Noagaon Joypura Road to Majid Sheikh's house is a brick saling.

 Development by road soil in front of Noagaon Community Clinic.


Road development up to Hotatia Government Primary School in Noagaon UP from Hotatia Dighi to Mizi Bari.

Bigha Noagaon Palasanding next to Rastma Das Bari.

Lotra road in Noagaon was rebuilt from Dhopa Bari to Kalimuddin Bari.

From Udanpara Shahjahan tailor shop to Monar Bari Ohad Ali Munshi Bari Gunar Bari Paramatma Road development.

 Noagaon Lotra Construction of Kal Vert on the east side of Tittal Patwari house on the road.

Reconstruction of Kawali Danga Paniyala Road from Saudherkhil High School.

Road development from the house of Shemnal Saha in West Noagaon to the Enamul Haque house on the west side of the house in Haris Uddi.

 Construction of agricultural irrigation drain on the east side of the Bariyash tailor house.

Reconstruction of the road up to the auction house No. 1 of Kanchanpur Union on the west side of the West Bariyash Jame Mosque.

Road development from the corner of Asharkota Doaji Bari to Patwali Bari to Dore Oli Sheikh's house.

Brick slinging on the road to the Bariish tailor's house.

Sudharam Noagaon paved road connection Shairashai Primary School to be home road development.

From the house of Hotatia Chowkidar to the development of Bar Gariyal Buddhism.

 Construction of culvert in front of Pathan house.

Fill the grounds of Singbaish Primary School.


 In front of the Durga temple in Noagaon, the road from the paved road to the temple is paved.

 Construction of culvert on the canal west of Sauderkhil Sohail Rana's house.

Computerized handwritten birth registration book.

From the house of Haji Muslim Bhuiyan to the road of Kethuri Kailash house, construction of culvert behind the house of Nazir Ahmed.

 Palasinging on the right side of Shairshai Bazar Dighi on the north side of Union Parishad.

Computerize 13 birth registration books.


Kheel School Road Development of Saudh

 Construction of culvert on the north side of Fazlur Rahman Patwari House on the road to Patwari House

Development of Jame Mosque in West Noagaon.

Construction of culvert on the canal in front of Rastama Post Office on the west side of Paniala Bazar.

 Construction of public toilets at Hotatia market.

Supply of Ashab letter of government primary school of Panchat Bari.


 Supply of furniture for Noagaon Janakalyan High School

 Supply of Ashapura Registered Primary School Furniture.

Repair of floor of Jame Mosque of Patari Bari.

 Udrain construction on the west side of Noagaon Islamia Alim Madrasa

 From Asharkota North Patwari Bari to Kazi Bari Mosque, there is a brick slang on the road.

Construction of ceiling of Asharkota Dakhil Madrasa.


Community Primary School Road from Noagaon Mostamafa Manager's House

 Hedayet Ulya Molsna from Paniala Bazaar to Paramatma Road.

Development of Udinpara Madinatul Uloom Madrasa.

 The road to the house of West Udanpara Raut is saling

Purchase of computer accessories for Union Information Service Center.

To the east of Noagaon Kali Mandir, Saha Bari is a paved road up to Paramatma Road development.


 Saudherkhil Bhuiyanji Bari Rastma Soling

Shairashaii Mijhi Bari Rastma Soling.

Saudherkhil Pathan Bari became Kalchama Molla Bari Paramatma Road Development.

From Kalidanga Paniala Road Connection to Shairashai P: Kazi Bari Paramatma Road

Road development of Noagaon Saha Bari by soil.

 Purchase of multimedia projector, printer SP.


 Shairashaii Mijhi Bari Rastma Soling

The road to Udanpara Mia's house is saling.

Government Primary B: Development of Balora Bhuiyan House.

From the door of Paniala Molsna Bari to Chayal Bari Paramatma Rastma Soling

R. Road Saling of Molsna House in Noagaon.

Road development east of Noagaon Panchatbari Bridge.

The road to Ashapura house is saling

The road to Huma's house is saling.

Ashapura Registered Primary B: Development.


From Asharkota Munshi Bari to Puran Bari Paramatma Rastma Soling

 Shairashaii Mijhi Bari Rastma Soling.

Drishtinandan road development from Asharkota Tagore house.

From the door of Paniala Molsna Bari to Chayal Bari Paramatma Rastma Soling

R. Road Saling of Molsna House in Noagaon.

Road development east of Noagaon Panchatbari Bridge.

Soling the road in front of the broker's house from the paved road in West Noagaon.

 Laying bricks on the road of Chalim Uddin Haji Bari from the paved road of Shairshai Bazar.

Noagaon High School Ground Development.


Loda Government Primary School Furniture Supply

Road development of Sauderkhil Shuja Bhuiyan by CC.

Development of Panjgana Mosque at Noagaon Bhuiyan Bari.

 The road in front of Saizja Mijhi's house in South Noagaon is saling

Construction of Food Bridge on Noagaon Hospital Road.

Asha Kota Mohammadiya Madrasa Development.


Soling the road in front of Meskat Hossain's house in North Noagaon

 Construction of culvert on the road of Asharkota small Munshibari.

Development of Jame Mosque in West Udanpara Ira

The road in front of the West Bariyash Michab house is saling

Development of road of Nazir Ahmed Bepari house from south of Sauderkhil Umar house by CC.

Development of Saudherkhil Primary School.


 The road in front of Saudherkhil Majumdar's house is saling

Development of road from West Noagaon Katakhali Road to West Noagaon Jame Mosque.

Ashapura Eidgah field development.

The road in front of the North Patwari house in Shairshai is paved

Road development from the house of Shairshai to the market of Shairshai.

Development of Forkania Madrasa in Shairshai Mizhibari.


 The road in front of Bargharia Dan Patwari house is saling

Road development from Hotatia Bepari Bari to Patwari Bari to Noagaon Uor Para Community School to Mostafa Manager Bari.

 Noagaon Yugi Para is filled with holes on both sides of the pole horse.

The road in front of Paniala Bhuiyan's house is saling

Road development from the road of Saderkhil Kazi Bari in Ward No. 5 of Noagaon Union No. 2 to the house of Mr. Ashraf Ali Hafeez.

Construction of Sarpot Wall behind Union Parishad Compassnox.


Development of Forkania Madrasa of Saudherkhil Maulvi Bari

 From Shairashai Syed Bari to Mia Bari Prabha Vidya: Sudharam Noagaon Road on the south side to Shairashai Syed Gola Bari

Supply of Ashabbat Patra of Shairshai Primary School.



Development of Forkania Madrasa in Mizi Bari, Sharir

Road development from Bariyash Asha Super Market to Ismail Hossain Kalu Bhuiyan Bari.

The road in front of Humair's house is in Shairshai.


Development of Ashapura Private Primary School

Road development from Noagaon Lotara Road to Bargharia Bridge to Lotra Mukhi Noagaon Boundary.

The road in front of the Shingbaish Mandar house is saling.

Development of Chowdhury Bazar Sports Association.

From Tyrol Bridge to Bargharia Bepari Bari to Patwari Bari Mosque to the west to Junar Ali Master's house to Singbaish Master's house.

R: The road in front of the Hotatia Molla house is saling.


Development of Shri Radha Govinda Temple in Noagaon.

Road development from the head of the paved road to Bariyash Mizhi Bari.

 Hottia dealer's house road saling.

Development of Ur Noagaon Community Primary School.

Soil work on both sides of Balora paved road.

The road in front of the Hotatia Patari house is saling.


Development of West Sauderkhil Mridha Bari Forkania Madrasa.

Development of Malek Haji Bari Jame Mosque in West Noagaon.

Rastma Box Calvat on the north side of Bargharia Majumdar's house.

Hotatia Government Primary School Development.

Noagaon Uor Para Bhat's house Noorani Madrasa development.

The road in front of the house of Shingbaish Nazir Company is saling.


Development of Bariish Baitul Najat Jame Mosque.

Development of East Udanpara Pani Ullah Bepari Bari Jame Mosque.

The road in front of the slave house in Noagaon is saling.

Asharkota Islamia Dakhil Madrasa

Road development from Saudherkhil Umar Bari to Hasan Bepari Bari.

Supply of furniture to Noagaon, Boriaish, Asharkot Community Clinic.


Reform of Saudherkhil High School

Development of Jami Masjid at Shairshai Honar Bari.

Construction of drainage drain from the front of the fence of Ashapura house along the land of Khorshed.

Al Hera International Academy School Development

Filling the grounds of Hotatia Government Primary School.

Construction of public toilets in Paniala market.


Development of Ashapura Registered Primary School

Development of Kazi Bari Mosque in Asharkota Uor Para.

The road in front of Asharkota Munshi house is saling.


Development of Southerkhill High School

Development of Paniwala Nath Temple.

The road in front of Asher's house in Saudherkhil is saling.

Development of Sauderkhil High School

Soil work on both sides of Balora paved road.

West Udan Para Madrasa Rastma Saling.


Development of Saudherkhil Umar Bari Mosque

Balora Jame Mosque Road Repair.

Income growth training for the poor; empowerment training for poor youth and young women; self-employment for women; development of information technology.

 Road Saling of Molla Bari in Noagaon.

Development of Noagaon Das Bari temple.

Sudharam Noagao is connected to the road from Maiz's house to the tree house.


Madrasa development in front of Paniala Atar Miyabepari house.

Rastma Soling on the east side of Nesar Ahmed Maulana's house.

শ Box culvert construction on the canal on the north side of the Sharshai North Patari house.

Development of Noagaon Bazar Government Primary School.

Development of prayer place at Bariyash Asha Sufar Market.

From Shairashai Chaiyad Bari to Panchat Bari Prath: B: D: Pashbe Rasatma CC Karan.


Development of Noagaonbalika Government Primary School

Road development of Saudherkhil Yusup Bhuiyan Bari.

Irrigation drain to the north from the former Eri Geshan drain of Balora field in West Noagaon.

Madrasa development in front of Ira's house in West Udanpara

Development of prayer place in front of the house of Shairshai Chowkidar.

Construction of road box culvert on the right side of East Haji Bari in West Noagaon.


Development of mosque in front of Asharkota Badsha member's house

Development of Jame Mosque at South Hotatia Molla Bari.

Construction of culvert in front of Matin's house on Joypura canal in Noagaon.

Asharkota Al Amin Islamia Dakhil Madrasa

Two bridges are made over Asharkota Drishti Nandan.

Construction of irrigation drain on the east bank of Dr. Mahfuz's house.


Development of mosque in front of Ayub Ali Pathan's house

Two bridges were constructed over the Kota canal of Paniala Ashar.

The road in front of the Jamdar house in Noagaon is brick.


পানিয়ালা জলার বাড়ির সামনে শাহী মসজিদ উন্নয়ন

পানিয়ালা মিজি বাড়ীর মসজিদ উন্নয়ন।

নোয়াগাঁও যুগীপাড়া ব্রীজের পুর্ব পাশ্বে রাসত্মার উপর কালখাট নির্মান।


Jame Mosque in front of Asharkota Noah House

W. P. Noagaon Miron Jamaddar house road by soil

Rastma Kalvat in front of Haji Bari to the east of Noagao Panchat Bari.


Madrasa Fazul Uloom Hotatia Ashapura.

Development of Hotatia Bazar Jame Mosque.

 R: The road in front of Noagaon Fayezbox's house is soling.

Development of Jame Mosque of Shairshai Uttar Patwari Bari

Road in front of Paniala Jamaddar house is developed by soil.

The road in front of Noaga and Dhopa houses is saling.


Development of Baitul Aman Jame Mosque in Noagaon Uttar Para

Panjagana is the place of prayers in the house of Seikantar Bhuiyan

Ghatla construction in front of Hasan Molla's house in South Noagaon.

West Udinpara Khalilur Rahman Bhuiyan Forkania Madrasa

Development of prayer place in front of big house in Noagaon.

Road in front of Ershad chairman's house in Noagaon.