Summary of fertilizer 1. 07 villages under the project. 2. Organizations under the project - 06 (5 in 6 villages). 3. Number of members under the project - 300 people (60 people per village). 4. The total savings deposit under the project is Rs. 52,000 / -. 5. Transfer of assets
A) Bakna cows - 25 Bakna cows for 25 people = Rs. 500,000 / -. B) Tin - 15 out of 15 tin - 225 = 1,50,000 / - rupees. C) Poultry - 6 people at the rate of 5000 / - = 40,000 / - rupees. D) Vegetable cultivation - at the rate of 1000 / - per 30 people = 30,000 / - rupees. E) Tree saplings - at the rate of 1000 / - per 23 people = 23,000 / - rupees. Total - 101 people = Rs. 7,43,000 / -.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS